Задание 2 выполненно.

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td {
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const loader = document.querySelector('.loading');
const table = document.getElementById('table')
const region = document.getElementById('region')
const subregion = document.getElementById('subregion')
const capital = document.getElementById('capital')
const flag = document.getElementById('flag')
const button = document.getElementById('show')
const userInput = document.getElementById('country_name')
const infoToshow = document.querySelector('.show');
let name_to_find = 'Kazakhstan'
const request = (config) => {
loader.style.display = 'flex'
const { method, path, success, error } = config;
const xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log(name_to_find, config.path)
xml.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (xml.status < 200 || xml.status > 399) {
if (xml.status === 404) {
error('No country with such name!');
else {
error('bad response');
else if (xml.status === '404') {
const result = JSON.parse(xml.responseText);
loader.style.display = 'none'
xml.addEventListener('error', () => {
error('network error');
xml.addEventListener('timeout', () => {
error('server response is late')
xml.open(method, path);
const processResult = (result) => {
for (country of result) {
const stroke = document.createElement('tr')
const cellAlfa = document.createElement('td')
cellAlfa.innerText = country['alpha2Code']
const cellFlag = document.createElement('td')
const flagImg = document.createElement('img');
flagImg.setAttribute('src', `${country.flag}`);
flagImg.style = 'max-width: 100px; max-height: 50px'
const cellName = document.createElement('td')
cellName.innerText = country['name']
const cellCapital = document.createElement('td')
cellCapital.innerText = country['capital']
const cellPopulation = document.createElement('td')
cellPopulation.innerText = country['population']
stroke.append(cellAlfa, cellFlag, cellName, cellCapital, cellPopulation)
loader.style.display = 'none'
const errorHandler = (msg) => {
const showInfo = () => {
const config = {
method: "GET",
path: `https://restcountries.com/v2/all?fields=alpha2Code,flag,name,capital,population`,
success: processResult,
error: errorHandler
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