Commit 08c07225 authored by Цой Данил's avatar Цой Данил 💬

Added stores for photos and users + added privateroute

parent 0917317f
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<title>Vite + React + TS</title>
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......@@ -25,45 +25,18 @@ a:hover {
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import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import App from './App'
import './index.css'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import store from './store/store'
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
<App />
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
import { createAsyncThunk } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"
import { AppDispatch, AppState } from "./store"
export const createAppAsyncThunk = createAsyncThunk.withTypes<{
state: AppState
dispatch: AppDispatch
rejectValue: string
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import IPhoto from "../../interfaces/IPhoto";
import IUser from "../../interfaces/IUser";
export default interface IPhotosState{
photos: IPhoto[]
photosByUser: IPhoto[]
targetedUser: IUser
loadingPhotos: boolean
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import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"
import { photosApi } from "../../api/photosApi"
import { createAppAsyncThunk } from "../createAppAsyncThunk"
import IPhotosState from "./IPhotosState"
import IPhoto from "../../interfaces/IPhoto"
import IUser from "../../interfaces/IUser"
const namespace: string = 'photos'
export const getAllPhotos = createAppAsyncThunk(
async () => {
return await photosApi.getAllPhotos()
export const addPhoto = createAppAsyncThunk(
async (photoDto: FormData) => {
return await photosApi.addPhoto(photoDto)
export const getPhotosByUserId = createAppAsyncThunk(
async (id: string) => {
return await photosApi.getPhotosByUserId(id)
export const deletePhotoById = createAppAsyncThunk(
async (id: string) => {
return await photosApi.deletePhotoById(id)
const initialState: IPhotosState = {
photos: [],
photosByUser: [],
targetedUser: {} as IUser,
loadingPhotos: false
export const photosSlice = createSlice({
name: namespace,
initialState: initialState,
reducers: {
setTargetedUser(state, action){
state.targetedUser = action.payload
extraReducers: (builder) => {
.addCase(getAllPhotos.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = true
.addCase(getAllPhotos.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
.addCase(getAllPhotos.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
if (action.payload.result) = action.payload.result
.addCase(getPhotosByUserId.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = true
.addCase(getPhotosByUserId.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
.addCase(getPhotosByUserId.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
if (action.payload.result) state.photosByUser = action.payload.result
.addCase(addPhoto.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = true
.addCase(addPhoto.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
.addCase(addPhoto.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
if (action.payload.result)
.addCase(deletePhotoById.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = true
.addCase(deletePhotoById.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
.addCase(deletePhotoById.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingPhotos = false
if (action.payload.result){
state.photosByUser = state.photosByUser.filter((photo: IPhoto) => {
return photo._id !== action.payload.result?._id
export const {setTargetedUser} = photosSlice.actions
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import { configureStore, ThunkAction, Action } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import { usersSlice } from "./user/user.slice";
import { photosSlice } from "./photos/photos.slice";
const localStorageMiddleware = ({ getState }: any) => {
return (next: any) => (action: any) => {
const result = next(action);
localStorage.setItem('applicationState', JSON.stringify(getState()));
return result;
const reHydrateStore = () => {
if (localStorage.getItem('applicationState') !== null) {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('applicationState') || '');
const makeStore = () => {
return configureStore({
users: usersSlice.reducer,
photos: photosSlice.reducer
preloadedState: reHydrateStore(),
middleware: (mw) => mw().concat(localStorageMiddleware)
const store = makeStore()
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;
export type AppStore = ReturnType<typeof makeStore>;
export type AppState = ReturnType<AppStore["getState"]>;
export type AppThunk<ReturnType = void> = ThunkAction<
export const useAppDispatch: () => AppDispatch = useDispatch;
export default store
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import IUserGetDto from "../../interfaces/IUserGetDto";
export default interface IUsersState {
user: IUserGetDto | null
isAuth: boolean
loadingUser: boolean
messageUser: string
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import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"
import { EStatuses } from "../../enum/EStatuses"
import IUser from "../../interfaces/IUser"
import { createAppAsyncThunk } from "../createAppAsyncThunk"
import IUserCreateDto from "../../interfaces/IUserCreateDto"
import { usersApi } from "../../api/usersApi"
import IUsersState from "./IUserState"
const namespace: string = 'users'
export const loginUser = createAppAsyncThunk(
async (user: IUserCreateDto) => {
return usersApi.loginUser(user)
export const createUser = createAppAsyncThunk(
async (user: IUserCreateDto) => {
return await usersApi.createUser(user)
export const checkToken = createAppAsyncThunk(
async () => {
return usersApi.checkToken()
const initialState: IUsersState = {
user: {} as IUser,
isAuth: false,
loadingUser: false,
messageUser: ''
export const usersSlice = createSlice({
name: namespace,
initialState: initialState,
reducers: {
state.isAuth = false
state.user = {} as IUser
state.loadingUser = false
state.messageUser = ''
state.messageUser = ''
extraReducers: (builder) => {
.addCase(loginUser.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingUser = true
.addCase(loginUser.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingUser = false
.addCase(loginUser.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingUser = false
const user = action.payload.result
state.user = user
if (action.payload.status === EStatuses.FAILURE){
state.messageUser = action.payload.message
if (user){
localStorage.setItem('token', user.token)
state.isAuth = true
.addCase(createUser.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingUser = true
.addCase(createUser.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingUser = false
.addCase(createUser.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingUser = false
const user = action.payload.result
state.user = user
if (action.payload.status === EStatuses.FAILURE){
state.messageUser = action.payload.message
if (user){
localStorage.setItem('token', user.token)
state.isAuth = true
.addCase(checkToken.pending, (state) => {
state.loadingUser = true
.addCase(checkToken.rejected, (state) => {
state.loadingUser = false
.addCase(checkToken.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loadingUser = false
const user = action.payload.result
state.user = user
if (user) {
state.isAuth = true
} else {
state.isAuth = false
export const {setToInitState, hideMessage} = usersSlice.actions
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import { useEffect } from "react"
import { shallowEqual, useSelector } from "react-redux"
import { Navigate, Outlet, useLocation } from "react-router-dom"
import { AppDispatch, AppState, useAppDispatch } from "../store/store"
import { checkToken } from "../store/user/user.slice"
const PrivateRoute: React.FunctionComponent = ():React.ReactElement => {
const {isAuth} = useSelector((state: AppState) => state.users, shallowEqual)
const location = useLocation()
const dispatch: AppDispatch = useAppDispatch()
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
<Navigate to='/' replace state={{from: location}} />
export default PrivateRoute
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