Commit b162c0a8 authored by Roman Desyatskii's avatar Roman Desyatskii

Global Errors

parent 7f594c46
import fastapi
import pydantic
from starlette import status
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from app.exceptions.http import BaseHTTPException
async def query_params_exc_handler(
request: fastapi.Request, exc: pydantic.ValidationError,
) -> JSONResponse:
return JSONResponse(
{'detail': exc.errors()}, status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY,
async def request_exc_handler(
request: fastapi.Request, exc: BaseHTTPException,
) -> JSONResponse:
return JSONResponse(
{'detail': exc.detail}, exc.status_code,
async def internal_exc_handler(
request: fastapi.Request, exc: Exception,
) -> JSONResponse:
return JSONResponse(
{'detail': 'Internal Server Error'}, status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
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